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ATD Highlights

Designing Collaborative Learning Programs at Scale

Speaker: Tim Chudy, Shellie Grieve

According to the World Economic Forum, 50 percent of employees worldwide will need reskilling by 2025, yet less than 50 percent of executives know how to address their skills gap (McKinsey). In this new world of reskilling and upskilling imperatives, self-paced learning can be cumbersome, and face-to-face learning is no longer the norm. Finding ways to engage learners remotely is a challenge. Collaborative learning has been shown to develop higher-level thinking skills and boost confidence. But how do you do this successfully? And how do you accomplish this at scale while making it personal and valuable for the learner? In this session, you'll discover how to reimagine learning experiences that avoid a one-size-fits-all approach by designing collaborative cohort programs that allow your learners to build and apply skills and authentically engage with the material. This session will be audio recorded and synced to the session slides.


  • ATD Highlights


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