ATD Highlights
Ask a Trainer: How to Improve Your Performance With Practice
Speaker: Megan Dillon
In this video, Megan Dillon shares practical tips and strategies for improving your learners' performance through practice. From dos and don'ts when incorporating practice into your training, to tips on balancing limited time and resources, Megan offers valuable insights on how to make your training more effective. Whether you're an instructional designer or a trainer, be sure to check out this video for actionable advice on how to transform your training with practice.
Questions answered in this video:
Why should learning and development professionals reframe how they think about practice in training?
Is there an optimal amount of time trainers should spend on practice activities for retention and application?
In your experience, what are some dos and don’ts when incorporating practice into your training?
How can trainers pull in reluctant learners?
How can trainers balance limited time and resources and still incorporate effective practice activities?
Connect with Megan Dillon
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