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ATD Highlights

Toolbox Tip: Exclude Slides From Slide Count in Articulate Storyline

Speaker: Diane Elkins

Do you need to track course completion in your e-learning solutions through a slide view count? This can be a challenge when you require certain slides within the course be viewed, and if there are optional slides in the total deck. A participant may reach the total number of slides to complete the course by viewing optional slides before viewing the required material. In this tutorial, Diane Elkins shows how to utilize new features to base slide completions off subsets of slides instead. ATD’s Toolbox Tips series provides e-learning hacks on various content authoring and learning technology tools. Get quick, useful “how-to” tutorials to apply directly to your e-learning instructional design work. Tune in for biweekly designer tips to help you troubleshoot on specific tools, learn new tasks, and discover new features.


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