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ATD Highlights

Now I Get It! Mastering Variables in Storyline

Speaker: Tim Slade

Once you've mastered the basics in Articulate Storyline, it's time to take your skills-and your courses-to the next level. You can do that with variables. But mastering variables can be elusive for many. In this session, you'll have a chance to learn just how powerful (and not so intimidating) variables can be. Discover when to use text variables, number variables, and true/false variables with real-world examples such as personalizing a scenario, adding badges and points, and customizing content and navigation. This is an intermediate/advanced session and requires a working knowledge of Storyline, including states, layers, and triggers. This session was recorded at the ATD 2019 International Conference & EXPO, May 19 - 22, 2019 in Washington D.C.


  • ATD Highlights


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