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ATD Highlights

How to Prepare for the CPLP (Panel)

Speaker: Sue Kaiden, Natasha Roberts, Colleen Worthington, Anne Scott, Bill Corrigan

If you are planning to pursue the CPLP credential (or are thinking seriously about it), attend this webcast and hear from four successful CPLP credential holders about how they studied and prepared for the exams. Join me and our panelists Natasha Roberts, Anne Scott, Bill Corrigan and Colleen Worthington for this interactive session. During the webcast, you will learn about: -basic information on the structure and format of the two CPLP exams -what is covered on each exam -key steps to take to prepare for both exams -top recommendations from credential holders -creative study strategies used by CPLP candidates -tips from credential holders on the test taking process. When you register, please submit a question you are hoping the presenters will answer during the webcast.


  • ATD Highlights


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