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ATD Highlights

Using Technologies to Advance Employee Performance

Speaker: Kevin Metsers and Stuart Ryan

Using a variety of technologies has become more of the norm as forward-acting companies focus on performance gains by modernizing their learning strategies to fit the way people work and live. This includes virtual reality, segmented reality, and robotics as well as using standard off-the-shelf technologies in new and creative ways. Reimagine the learning space from a mass-produced push environment to a modern and personalized pull space available just-in-time. Senior practitioners will share their stories for integrating technologies to advance employees in a rapid method referred to as zing rounds. Learn how one company is using technologies to provide an extended onboarding process enabling new employees to learn at the moment of need, and another is providing experienced employees the ability to share their own expertise and learn from others. Leave with resources and references to up the ante on making decisions on ways to integrate technology and learning to stay relevant in a continuously changing work-learn environment. This session was recorded at the ATD 2019 TechKnowledge conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.


  • ATD Highlights


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