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ATD Highlights

What Works in Role-Specific Onboarding

Speaker: Norma Davila and Wanda Pina

Onboarding programs are designed to ease the transition from candidate to productive employee. However, many of these programs still miss the opportunity to offer targeted components to address the needs of employees assuming particular roles, or role-specific onboarding going beyond providing a general understanding of the business. Additionally, many companies lack the structure to provide specific guidance to current employees whose roles change, under the assumption that those employees already know the company and are familiar with the new role. This webcast will introduce you to role-specific onboarding and specific steps you can take to include this component in your company’s program. In this webcast, you will: -Define role-specific onboarding. -Differentiate role-specific onboarding for new and new-to-role employees. -Explore dos and don’ts for successful role-specific onboarding.


  • ATD Highlights


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