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ATD Highlights

ATD/Yale Foundations of Management Excellence 2018

What is the ATD-Yale Foundations of Management Excellence program? Yale University | New Haven, CT This four-day, intensive program integrates ATD’s research-based ACCEL™ skills model with Yale’s superior management training approach to provide you with the ultimate management development experience. By focusing on five key skills necessary for managerial success—accountability, communication, collaboration, engagement, and listening and assessing—managers will develop their ability to effectively recruit, develop, engage, evaluate, and retain employees through more intentional talent development efforts. This unique management development experience encourages participants to form a cohort of trusted peers whom they learn from and share knowledge with now and into the future. The ACCEL Skills Model In late 2015, ATD Research conducted a short survey of nearly 300 talent development leaders (managers and above) to identify the top skills most associated with successful frontline managers. The ACCEL skills were selected for inclusion in the framework because they had the highest percentage of participants indicating that each contributed to success in managing others to a high or very high extent. The development of these five specific skills are crucial to managerial success. Accountability Collaboration Communication Engagement Listening and Assessing The Experience: This is not your typical learning event! Managers will form a cohort with fellow attendees through these activities: On-Site Tour: Yale Art Museum: The Yale University Art Gallery stimulates active learning about art and the creative process through research, teaching, and dialogue among visitors. Tour the gallery with Professor George Newman and Assistant Curator of Education Elizabeth Manekin as they highlight works of art that relate to the value of authenticity. On-Site Lecture: The Value of Authenticity by Examining Art: Authenticity is a growing area of interest for consumers and organizations alike. With Professor Newman, attendees will examine questions such as how does authenticity drive customer perceptions and value? How can organizations leverage authenticity to maximize repetitive benefits both internally and externally? And what can psychology teach us about the underlying mechanisms and principles used to evaluate authenticity? Reception Dinner on Campus: Held at a uniquely Yale venue, such as the law school or the Peabody Museum of Natural History, the evening will include live music with a campus acappella group and an unparalleled opportunity to form lasting connections with your peers. Learn More:


  • ATD Highlights


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