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ATD Highlights

Outsmart Your Brain: How to Manage Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel

Speaker: Marcia Reynolds

Delivering live training requires you set and maintain a positive emotional tone, even when you are challenged by people or technology. This means you need to notice when your own emotions change, and shift back to being present, positive, and accepting. To do this, you must master your brain when you feel impatient or uncomfortable. This session includes practical exercises to immediately help you ease your tension, curb your defensiveness, and create a powerful learning environment. You will learn how to identify your most common emotional triggers and diffuse their energy when teaching, presenting ideas, and receiving feedback. The energy you bring to the room has as much, if not more, influence than your words. Master your brain to maximize your results. This session is for both new and experienced trainers who may experience reluctant, resistant, or distracted students, or environmental distractions that could disrupt your flow.


  • ATD Highlights


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