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ATD Highlights

Micro-First: A Radical New Way to Design Learning Initiatives

Speaker: Stephen Meyer

Microlearning is all the rage, while instructor-led training (ILT) now accounts for less than 50 percent of all training. That's down from 77 percent in 2001. But don't write off ILT yet. The future lies in a new approach to blended learning that combines the best of ILT and microlearning technology. The old model of 'ILT first' starts with an instructor delivering multiple learning concepts, using microlearning to follow up. 'Micro-first' starts with microlearning targeting one behavior, followed by short active-learning events led by trainers and/or managers to make it stick. After this session, you will be able to design and deploy a micro-first learning program over two to four weeks, track behavior change for these programs to demonstrate return on investment (ROI), and use these data to design broad learning initiatives around the micro-first concept, focusing on changing behaviors with the highest potential ROI. Session is repeated from Monday M304


  • ATD Highlights


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