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ATD Highlights

Digital Fluency for Virtual Presenters, Trainers, and Facilitators

Speaker: Cindy Huggett

The virtual environment is rapidly changing and participant expectations are high. Are you keeping up with new ways to communicate and connect with your audience? Are you presenting yourself as a virtual professional? In this session, you'll assess your own virtual skills using a checklist, and compare your results with others'. You'll then learn the five keys to digital fluency: smooth video, quality audio, advance preparation, audience engagement, and mobile literacy. You'll learn when to turn your webcam on and off, how to make your audio sound crystal clear, and what to include in pre-session communication and calendar invites. The speaker will also show you how to engage a remote audience using platform tools, and respond appropriately when some participants join by mobile device. You'll leave with a list of ready-to-use action items that can be immediately applied to your next virtual delivery.


  • ATD Highlights


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