Amplify: #LeadLikeAGirl and Ignite the Impact of Women Leaders
Speaker: Tacy Byham
Women have earned the majority of college degrees since the 1980s and are nearly half the workforce. Yet the number of women at the top has barely budged, with only 6 percent women CEOs among the Fortune 500. The lesson is clear: Women must amplify their impact! This session will help women and male allies identify and address the unique challenges facing women---the confidence gap, failing forward, and superpowering their network--through new data from the 2018 Global Leadership Forecast. Leave this session inspired to amplify your impact as a woman or an ally. The presenter will help you make the case for gender diversity and change the future for yourself and the women you coach and mentor. Organizations with at least 30 percent women leaders are 12 times more likely to excel financially, so this session is a win-win; your new approach may lead to better financial performance for your organization.