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ATD Highlights

T.R.I.B.E.: A Model for Managing Biases and Building Psychological Safety

Speaker: Daniel Radecki

By understanding the biases that drive our behavior, we can create self-awareness to help us hardwire habits that can mitigate our emotional reactions in the moment. In this session, you'll 'dissect' the neuroscience behind how our biases can be maladaptive in a personal and team environment, leading to clouded judgment and decision making. You will then walk through the T.R.I.B.E. model and learn specific, actionable, data-driven techniques for reflecting, reappraising, and embedding a new mindset to rise above these biases and create a psychologically safe environment. You will not only gain insight into your own possible biases, but also appreciate the neuroscience behind why these biases exist and what science tells us about how to solve this dilemma.


  • ATD Highlights


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