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ATD Highlights

Chatbots: A Practical Use of Artificial Intelligence to Aid Corporate Learning

Speaker: Vincent Han

Chatbots are becoming more commonplace to help automate simple tasks and make life easier. But what about utilizing chatbots to facilitate learning? In this session, you will see examples of common chatbots on Facebook and Slack that are transactional and responsive in nature and contrast them with programmatic chatbots that drive a learning experience. You will also see examples of the various channels you can use to reach learners through a chatbot, such as SMS, Facebook, or even your corporate learning mobile app. Finally, we'll really get your brainstorming juices flowing with lots of creative ideas on how this form of artificial intelligence can transform your digital learning infrastructure! This session was recorded at the ATD 2018 TechKnowledge conference in San Jose, California.


  • ATD Highlights


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