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ATD Highlights

Creation, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an E-Learning Sale Simulation

Speaker: Karl Kapp and Brian Stahl

Converting a live, classroom role play into an online simulation seems like a daunting task. Role plays can go in many directions and can be hard to evaluate. But with geographically dispersed learners and the need to keep salespeople in the field, more organizations are turning to online, simulated sales training. This session will provide insights into the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a role play that was converted into an online sales simulation that had a positive impact on sales within the organization. Learn what design decisions were made, how trade-offs where determined, and how the team worked around software limitations to create the simulation. Discover the lessons learned, the impact on the sales force, and tips and techniques you can use in your organization to create an interactive, online simulation based on existing role plays used in your training. This session was recorded at the ATD 2018 TechKnowledge conference in San Jose, California.


  • ATD Highlights


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