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ATD Highlights

Designing Virtual Training for Mobile Devices

Speaker: Cindy Huggett

Participants are increasingly joining live online virtual training classes using a mobile device, which means they connect through the platform app instead of the full desktop program. Unfortunately, while virtual training designs often assume that all tools and features are available for learning activities, most virtual classroom platform apps only have limited features. How should you design for learning transfer? And how do you ensure your mobile participants are engaged? In this session, you'll learn how to design engaging virtual training programs when participants are connecting to the live online session from a mobile device. Find out why virtual training platform functionality is different on mobile devices, and explore several of the common key differences. We'll discuss three limitations of mobile delivery and the corresponding challenges that mobile learners face. Finally, you'll learn about five techniques you can use to design engaging virtual training when your audience is either mixed or fully mobile. You'll leave this session with a list of practical ideas that can be immediately applied to your next virtual class. This session was recorded at the ATD 2018 TechKnowledge conference in San Jose, California.


  • ATD Highlights


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