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ATD Highlights

Understanding Employee Motivation: What if Motivation Is a Skill?

Speaker: Susan Fowler

Leaders today face a dilemma. They are being held accountable for something they cannot do---motivate others. Dependence on carrots and sticks as common practice has been perpetuated because leaders didn't understand the true nature of human motivation. Now, because of compelling discoveries in motivation science, we do. In this session, the speaker makes the case for treating motivation as a skill that can be taught, learned, nurtured, and sustained. You will be introduced to an evidence-based typology of motivation that goes beyond the impractical duality of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Letting go of obsolete motivation strategies is challenging because managers and HR professionals haven't had evidence-based alternatives. Reconsider leadership competencies in light of compelling science demonstrating that motivation is a skill.


  • ATD Highlights


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