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ATD Highlights

Interactive Video: Building an Emotional Connection to Drive Behavior

Speaker: Greg Adamietz

User experience matters. Employees who just "check the box" and complete training sessions are not necessarily learning or absorbing anything. And if they're not absorbing the content, then what are you achieving (aside from fulfilling arbitrary training requirements)? Will safety metrics improve? Will turnover drop? Will employees feel more engaged and connected to the company? In this session, you will find out how investing in training content can work for you. If you provide employees with compelling and relevant interactive content, you're offering a highly rewarding experience and thereby building equity with that employee. Employees become grateful if you share inherently interesting and worthwhile content, and they become more likely to engage with content in the future. This cyclical pattern continues to pay dividends over time, ensuring your organization wins more and more invaluable employee mindshare.


  • ATD Highlights


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