Fearless Feedback: The Art and Skill of Providing Feedback That Fosters Growth (SU201)
Speaker: Barbara Roche
'If only I had known.' This is one of the most common responses when career professionals react to their 360-degree feedback surveys. And then there is the common lament in engagement surveys that managers don't provide tangible feedback. So few of us benefit from timely, actionable, and motivating feedback because our boss or peers are not comfortable in the role of feedback provider or were never trained in the art and skill of providing feedback. Enter your new superhero: the Fearless Feedback Provider (FFP). Instead of tolerating, venting and complaining, the FFP has the uncanny ability to verbalize feedback in a timely manner that resonates with the receiver and results in new behaviors: Problems go away. Productivity is enhanced. Team camaraderie flourishes. You'll learn and practice the key skills to consistently grow and develop your team.