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ATD Highlights

Using Technology to Produce Learning Transfer and Sustainable Corporate Change (SU108)

Speaker: Art Kohn

As trainers, our success is measured by whether we can get people to transfer learning and behave differently. Unfortunately, there are myths that undercut our success, and the well-established techniques of behavior change are not well understood. This session will examine the scientific research demonstrating how to produce sustainable learning transfer and behavior change. The speaker will explore how to produce behavior change among individuals and demonstrate specific techniques and incentive programs that are tailored to the person's 'readiness for change.' He will also shed light on myths that interfere with effective behavior change. During the second section, he will expand on these ideas and examine strategies that will produce changes in a groups and teams of employees. Research provides techniques for 'revising social norms,' and he will discuss how the judicious use of social media can define new standards of action.


  • ATD Highlights


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