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ATD Highlights

The Secret of Highly Engaged Cultures: It’s Not What They Think, It’s How They Think (TU401)

Speaker: Ann Hermann-Nehdi

When it comes to what motivates people, everyone is unique, and motivation comes from within. To keep people engaged and productive, learning and talent professionals need to focus on unleashing that inner motivation. It starts with understanding how people think. Learn how to apply what we know about thinking, learning, and the brain to develop employees who are fulfilled, engaged, and motivated to give it their all, even when the pressure's on. The speaker will show you the impact that thinking preferences have on what motivates people, what work stimulates them, and what conditions they work best in. Explore practical models based on 35 years of brain research that have been proven to work in organizations across industries and sizes. You'll leave with an action plan for aligning talent with the job's mental demands, giving people the productivity tools that work best for them, and delivering the perks that really matter.


  • ATD Highlights


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