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ATD Highlights

Innovation in the 21st Century: Create, Build, and Manage Your Dream Team (SU214)

Speaker: Fred Colantonio

We've all heard about great innovators: for example, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison. How did they see things that no one had yet and anticipate what everyone would eventually want? How can we trigger innovation in our businesses and companies? What attitude can we develop to change our vision and transform our daily routines into innovative enlightenments? From Jeff Bezos to James Dyson, from Elon Musk to Steve Jobs, in this session, you will find out how to activate innovation and make it work for you, your co-workers, and your teams. If you wonder what Dead Poets Society, Back to the Future, and The Name of the Rose or Friends, The Hunger Games, and MacGyver have in common, this session will bring you answers and ideas that could well be . . . innovative.


  • ATD Highlights


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