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ATD Highlights

Close the Talent Gap: Strategies for Developing Next-Generation Leaders (SU412)

Speaker: Marcia Mueller

As the Boomers move out, are your frontline and midlevel managers ready to move up? How will you drive competency and leadership development for key talent to avoid falling into the gap? The time has come to accelerate the development of rising leaders and rethink the current approach to leadership development to stay ahead of the talent gap. You are surrounded by potential at your organization. You have employees who are anxious to do more --- be more --- than they currently are. To achieve this, they need to be supported, challenged, and coached. In this session, the speaker will present a model for developing midlevel leaders that creates a win-win situation for everyone, providing career development for frontline and midlevel leaders while also generating bench strength for your firm.


  • ATD Highlights


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