25 Things You Didn't Know PowerPoint Could Do (SU103)
Speaker: Diane Elkins
Even though PowerPoint is one of the most ubiquitous software packages in the training world, many users are merely scratching the surface of its capabilities. In this session, you'll uncover some of the best PowerPoint features for saving time, enhancing your look, and engaging your audience. Whether you are making presentations in management meetings, teaching in the classroom, or creating e-learning programs, this session will help you take your designs to the next level. You'll move past flying bullets in from the left and right (which was the height of PowerPoint fashion in 1997). Instead, you'll learn to create graphics, animations, presentations, and courses that people won't believe you did in PowerPoint. Plus, you'll learn little-known shortcuts that mean you won't have to spend a lot of time getting these great effects. Whether you are a manager or a developer, you'll appreciate the increased impact and the decreased effort.