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ATD Highlights

From Designer to Developer: Amp Up Your Developer Skills in 5 Areas

Speaker: Melissa Milloway

From the TechKnowledge 2016 Conference: Have you always wanted to become a developer in the world of learning? Getting started as a developer can be inexpensive and easy, if you have the right tools and resources. Become a developer from the comfort of your home or learn how to locate events to introduce you to the field. By getting into development, you will not only become a developer, but you will be able to better identify project costs and timelines, and effectively communicate with suppliers or development teams. This session will review resources and specific examples to support you on your path to becoming a developer. You will learn about building skills in graphic design, e-learning development, game development, video, animation, and programming. You will also share how you currently build your skills in order to curate an even larger list for the learning and development community. Finally, you will create a list of resources for building your skills as a developer. These resources will propel you and your teammates into a developer role or to further your skills in the field.


  • ATD Highlights


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