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ATD Highlights

Working Out Loud: Payoffs and How-Tos

Speaker: Jane Bozarth

From the TechKnowledge 2016 Conference: Organizations struggle to capture tacit knowledge. Workers struggle to find answers and information across organizational databases, boundaries, and silos. How can training and development prevent this from happening? Increasing comfort with social sharing, combined with the proliferation of new social tools, provides an easy, useful means of sharing not just what we do but how we do it. For the organization, this supports productivity, improves performance, encourages reflective practice, speeds communication, and helps to highlight challenges, bottlenecks, and that elusive tacit knowledge. For the worker, it illuminates strengths, talents, struggles, and the reality of how days are spent. For the co-worker or colleague, it solves a problem, saves time, or builds on existing knowledge. And for management, it helps to capture who does what and how, and otherwise make visible much of what is presently opaque. Learn what, when, and how to successfully share your work to help solve so many problems for organizations.


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