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ATD Highlights

Best Practices for Becoming a Top-of-the-Line Freelance Contractor in the Learning Industry

Speaker: Shannon Connor

From the TechKnowledge 2016 Conference: So you've finally done it. You've set off on a journey as a freelance instructional designer or e-learning developer on a contract basis. That's fantastic! Now what are the best practices you should employ? In this session, which focuses on the tech side of being a freelancer, you will learn helpful tips and tricks to get you up and running. Topics include which software licenses are best to own, which tools are absolutely necessary, which hardware will be most helpful, how you can make it easy for your customers to want to hire you again and again, and tips to gain and retain clients. You will also hear stories from the field and what not to do if you want to be successful. Freelancing in the learning industry can be a challenging and rewarding experience. This session will help you learn how to make it work for you.


  • ATD Highlights


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