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ATD Highlights

Reworking the Puzzle: How to Build a Smarter Learning Ecosystem

Speaker: JD Dillon

From the TechKnowledge 2016 Conference: People learn without training. What?! It's true! Every organization has a complex learning and performance ecosystem that is made up of various elements. Some of these elements are formal training offerings, but the majority are informal knowledge channels that learning and development (L&D) doesn't support and may not even know about. Because many L&D professionals don't acknowledge or understand these elements, they are unable to leverage them alongside formal support offerings to drive employee knowledge growth and performance improvement within an integrated learning ecosystem. In this session, the speaker will share how Kaplan evolved from a reliance on training events through awareness, influence, and the cultivation of an employee-centric ecosystem. You will discuss popular challenges to creating a right-time, right-fit learning culture, including methods for influencing business stakeholders and L&D peers who may only understand the classroom mentality. The speaker will also provide practical examples of key social, virtual, and reiterative training technologies that were introduced to foster opportunities for both scalable and personalized knowledge growth. You will walk away having reviewed a complete example of a thriving corporate learning ecosystem. You will also be able to identify the pieces of an ecosystem, as well as the drive to start expanding and cultivating your own ecosystems so they better focus on the needs of the business and the individual.


  • ATD Highlights


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