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ATD Highlights

Real World Tactics for Creating and Demonstrating Training Value in Government

Speaker: Wendy Kirkpatrick, Jim Kirkpatrick, Robert Havlicek, Charles Wilhelm, and Anthony Putnam

In today's resource-strapped government, there exists greater pressure than ever to demonstrate the value of training. Training evaluation does not need to be complex or expensive to be effective; it needs to be strategically focused on organizational goals. Learn directly from the creator of the New World Kirkpatrick Model and subject matter expert for the OPM Training Evaluation Field Guide the correct way to implement the four levels to ensure that you are maximizing and demonstrating the organizational value of your training. Three key ideas will be shared for shifting emphasis from Levels 1 and 2 to Levels 3 and 4, including action points you can implement immediately in your own work. Government and military examples will punctuate main ideas.


  • ATD Highlights


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