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ATD Highlights

Enabling Virtual Learning By Design

Speaker: Jennifer Hofmann

We all know that the use of virtual classrooms, e-learning, and blended learning has gone beyond a trend to become an accepted and permanent part of the learning mix. It’s hard to find a subject that isn’t, in some form and at some level, taught online. With so much content and technology readily available, why don’t people seem to be learning more? And why do so many people feel like they’re being forced to learn online? One of the answers is easy to identify. Virtual learning is NOT about the technology. Although organizations are spending money on technology, they’re rarely investing in resources that create effective learning environments. They’re treating virtual training and blended learning implementations as technology initiatives rather than change initiatives. Creating a successful virtual learning program means more than using the latest gizmos and applying successful instructional design techniques. You need to create a solid environment that will enable your learners or even the best curriculum in the world will fall flat. One way to accomplish this is by ensuring that some critical concepts are contemplated during the design of a program, not as an afterthought once a program has already been implemented. Join Jennifer Hofmann, president of InSync Training—the leading source for blended learning and virtual training design and delivery, as she explores these fundamental but critical elements. In this session, Jennifer will look closely at implementing five critical elements that set our learners up for success. You’ll learn how to design the following success factors into your programs during the critical planning stages of the program: * motivation to learn built into the program * opportunities to collaborate * a blend of delivery methods designed to maximize the learning outcome usable technology * active and participative facilitators that believe in and support the blended learning experience.


  • ATD Highlights


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