Are You Ready to Make a Change? Navigating Your Way to Your Next Position
Speaker: Cheryl Lasse
With the economy and resulting employment opportunities improving, you might be thinking about making a change. Do you want to move up within your organization or change the focus of your position? Perhaps you're ready to move on to a new employer. Or, maybe you're thinking about moving from another profession to training and development or instructional design. Join ATD and SkillDirector for a discussion and demonstration about how you can use the ATD Career Navigator to prepare yourself or your team for a career change in the talent development profession. The Career Navigator, based on The ATD Competency Model, is a self-assessment tool available as a free member benefit to U.S. ATD members. With it, you can create a personalized learning plan to close your skill gaps.
When this session is complete, you will be able to use the Career Navigator to:
* Prepare for the job you want next.
* Update your resume.
* Distinguish yourself in interviews.
If you’re ready for a career change, or you want to help your team take the next step, find out how to use the Career Navigator to meet the demands of today's talent development profession!