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ATD Highlights

Successful Global Training

Speaker: Michael Marquardt

This webcast will begin with a fun quiz to assess how you would handle training and consultancy assignments in a variety of different countries. We will then explore the challenges faced by talent development (TD) professionals when working with cultures whose ways of learning and leading are different than your own. You will discover strategies that can be effective when dealing with cultural differences in leadership, group collaboration, and communication styles. This session will examine the best and appropriate approaches to designing and delivering training programs in a variety of national and global environments. Finally, we will describe the 10 skills and attributes of successful global TD professionals. This webcast will help you: * Understand why and how cultural differences impact how people learn and lead. * Develop strategies to train and consult in a variety of cultures. * Learn the 10 competencies needed to be successful in global training and consulting.


  • ATD Highlights


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