Has a lack of confidence ever kept you from pursuing your goals? Have you ever experienced self-doubt to the point where you talked yourself out of pursuing a job, a promotion, or a relationship? Have you ever gotten feedback that sounded anything like this:
“You always sound like you’re asking a question.”
“If only you could command the room.”
“You need to speak up more.”?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this session is for you. The above quotes are from bosses of female professionals who were passed over for a promotion. All three women were grappling with self-doubt, and it showed.
You don't have to feel so uncertain or hesitant when the stakes get higher and the situation calls for some risk-taking. Nothing gets you closer to achieving your goals than a healthy dose of self-reflection and new-found awareness of your strengths and capabilities. After participating in this webinar, you will see how hesitancy and uncertainty are speed bumps to be stepped over, and be willing and able to take considerable action toward advancing your career.