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ATD Highlights

Learning Environments by Design: Curating Resources for Complex Learning Needs

Speaker: Cathetrine Lombardozzi

Excitement about open learning and ever-expanding Internet resources has generated predictions that employees at all levels will be forsaking the course catalogue and self-servicing their learning needs. But actually finding what you need-or who you need-in an Internet search can be frustrating. Learning professionals are therefore being urged to take on the role of 'curator'-actively identifying and recommending the best learning resources that enable employees to address their own challenges. In this interactive session, you will be introduced to a learning environment framework for addressing complex learning needs and supporting informal learning in organizations. In this session, we will discuss typical business learning challenges and envision approaches to designing and facilitating learning in modern contexts. You will take away the knowledge to guide the assessment, conceptualization, and curation of a comprehensive learning environment, as well as to effectively position non-traditional approaches with clients and stakeholders. -Address complex learning needs by curating a robust collection of formal and informal resources for learning. -Apply a learning environment design framework to assessing and conceptualizing comprehensive learning environments


  • ATD Highlights


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