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ATD Highlights

Learning Chameleons: How to Develop Multicultural Talent

Speaker: Fernando Sanchez-Arias

In today's competitive climate, talent development leaders can benefit as global professionals from how-to tips in gaining leverage within their vocation. With this in mind, through this session the speakers will share practical tools from their current work identifying cultural intelligence and cross cultural interaction by revealing the seven key factors. If you are dealing with a culturally diverse audience or setting up a branch in a new international market, join us to learn useful and practical ideas you can immediately use to be successful in your challenges as a global leader. Also, learn the different cultural intelligence factors you need to know and use when dealing with learning and business clients, suppliers, or partners in countries and cultures different from your own. This session is designed for TD and learning leaders looking to set a baseline of their current cultural intelligence level and gain tools to increase this intelligence to better design, deliver, and manage multicultural and global learning programs.


  • ATD Highlights


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