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ATD Highlights

Seeing Your Point: 3 Simple Steps to Visualizing Your Presentations

Speaker: Wendy Gates Corbett

OK, you’re convinced. You’ve read the research and seen it for yourself—presentations that effectively use visuals are more engaging and easier to understand than bullet point–laden ones. You’re ready to refresh your own slide decks to add more visuals. If only you knew how. This webcast answers that question by demonstrating a simple, three-step process you can use to evaluate the big ideas in a presentation, generate a plan for representing those ideas visually, and find visuals in the vast sea of image and illustration sources. During this webcast, you will learn how to: -Identify the most powerful ideas to represent visually in a presentation. -Brainstorm ideas for illustrating an idea visually. -Search for visuals in appropriate (and legal) sources, both free and paid.


  • ATD Highlights


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