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ATD Highlights

Learner Engagement in the Modern Classroom

Speaker: Jennifer Hofmann

Engaging learners has always been a challenge. Not only has training evolved into a blended learning model, the modern classroom is influenced by multicultural cohorts, a mobile workforce, and social networking tools. Managing these influences and integrating them into a blended program requires planning, training, and understanding from all members of the training delivery team. It starts with language. Engagement, interaction, collaboration: These terms are often used interchangeably, and with little thought regarding what they actually mean, how they might be measured, and how they influence the learner experience and outcome. This webcast distinguishes these concepts, and provides some guidelines as to when they should be applied. Whether delivering a one-hour webinar or three-week blended curriculum, we need participants to be engaged for the program to be successful. Interaction and collaboration are the engagement techniques used to ensure this success. Learners in this webcast will gain insight into the mechanics of learner engagement and the resulting improved learner trajectories.


  • ATD Highlights


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